Okay so instead of doing a bunch of little posts ill just cover the whole month of July! This month has really flown by and its been super crazy busy. The beginning of the month we has little cousins brthday parties, and Kayla went on treak, its where the youth of the church go and experiance what the pioneers went through comming here pulling the handcarts. Your dressed as a pioneer, you have a family (ma and pa and siblings) you pull the cart for 3 days and walk i think like 5 miles everyday, it only comes every 4 years so kayla really enjoyed it and had lots of fun, the middle of the month we had a whole week of girls camp which was so freaking amazing. Im not a big fan of sleeping in tents but it was a great experiance and im very grateful that my mother, sister and i were able to go on that adventure. We hiked 3 miles, canoed about the same distance, horseback rode for a whole hour, and dug for quartz crystals for about 2 hours. It did rain the first night and into the second morning but we were able to get everything dry and be somewhat happy in the rain. And for that reason we went home a day early to beat the rain, why stay and be miserable in more rain right? Anyway it was great, everything went perfectly, there was so much support and service in every girl that week, no complaints or anything. It was a really great week without technology, cell phones, computer, houses, and everything else lol. We got home on my moms birthday and when we enterd the house my dad has birthday gifts, a cake, and roses on the table waiting for my mom it was so cool and really sweet, she loved it and all her gifts. 10 days later it was my dads birthday, i made his double layer cookie cake all my myself! I baked it, put it together and decorated it and it came out super yummy! everyone loved it and my dad was really proud of me :) Chick-fil-a had cow apperciation day and had a little parade that all the kids were in it was so cute everyone was dressed up as cows so they could get a free meal. well thats the big stuff that has happend in July, Nathan is now registerd in school, hell start kindergarden in August 23rd, Anthony will start middle school, and Kayla will start highschool and me? well hopefully ill graduate within 3 weeks of school starting. It a year of big Firsts for us, im sad that everyone is growing up so fast around me, but happy at the same time. Jacks adoption was finailized this month as well and sealed to Clint and Marianne for all time and eternity, Baby Gordon will be here in November i know Jack will make a wonderful big brother and im so so excited for them and Jack its such great news! :) Things are going very well i cant complain too much (even tho i do anyway lol) well here are some pictures of this month......(:
serious daddy lol
Kayla as a pioneer :) dosent she make an awesome pioneer???
our cousins Addison, Austin and my Nate all dressed as cows for the chick-fil-a cow appreciation day
Nathan giving loves to his new "puppy" soft doggy hes really attached to this thing :) its so cute!
This is what we saw first thing when we walked in the house when we got home from girls camp for my moms birthday, isnt my dad great or what?
All of us that went to camp :)
Just the leaders what amazing leaders they are :)
me and kayla entering Arkansas
Our tent that we ended up not sleeping in because it got flooded
Our Cousin Jessica, Kayla and our other step cousin Kairi calling the parents to tell them we made it okay
My mom and kayla
Me and Kairi :)
Working on our standards
we drank a TON of water
this is what we got to hike to, isnt it beautiful?
Me teaching first aid to the girls and leaders
This is the lake we got to swim in
This is what we woke up to every single day :)
Skit night!!!!
Our tent skit lol
Petting my horse Dakota i wanted to take him home :(
Water fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone after the water fight lol
Kayla and jessica singing at devotional
Lauren providing the music :)