Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My First Car!!!

  So i know im kind of really late on this lol but my parents did it again, they totally suprised me without any clue of what was going on lol. After a very long hard day at work, i came home expecting to take a shower and go to bed, but as soon as i walked into the house and set my things down my mom came and blindfolded me and led me outside, of course i had no clue what was going on lol, when she took the blind fold off there was a shiny white car sitting in front of me!!! I couldnt believe it was mine lol ive been wanting a car so badly and for so long and now there it was right in front of me for me to drive everywhere. It was the best suprise ever!!! Its a Toyota Alavoln and is just amazing :) I love it and everything in it. Its all mine now yay!!! hehehe :) Here are some picture i took and my mom took the night i got it :D

Me in the car i look horible and tired lol (the night i got it)

All of us kids looking at it

All of my family that contrbuted to making my wish a reality thank you so much guys i love you :)

The front of my car

My beautiful car