Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Long Time, No Update!

  Okay well its been a really long while since i posted something so i think i should  now lol :) Gosh where to start??? hmmm well since im not in school for the semester i have been watching little miss Zoey, she just turned 1 on September 1st (Jack's and Anthony's birthday as well hehe) and geez shes a little handful and the most talkative little girl i have ever met. she is wayyy ahead in her speech, she is saying so many words, like Please, Up, Hush, Puppy, Happy, Turtle, and many many more. Shes incrediably smart but she can be a little terror when she wants to. I have also been recently watching my older cousins baby Vincent along with Zoey. He is going to turn 2 in December. He's so cute and the total opposite of Zo, hes the most chilled out baby i have ever known and speaking of opposite he dosent say very much of anything other than Up and Ease for Please, and there is, vroom, and of course uh oh when something falls. But since ive been watching him he is saying a little more than he used to cause if you want something at Bri Bri's house you have to ask for it :) its been really great having both of them but honestly sometimes i get a little overwhelmed, i just have to remind myself to slow down and take it one step at a time.

  Lets see.... Anthony is now a teenager eekk! he had a lot of fun on his birthday, we went to Dave n' Busters and played lots of games and got lots of prizes from all the tickets we won! He wanted a Shark cake for his birthday this year so i made him one, it was my first time sculpting anything out of rice krispy treats and covering it with fondant so i mean it dosent look professional but for my first time pretty good lol. he loved it and to me thats all that matters :) Nathan also turned another year older this october and he wanted a Lego cake, the cake i orignally wanted to make him was a lot cooler but with two little ones time is just not on your side sooo ill have to do that one another year but he loved the one i was able to make him with the time i had. the only thing was it made HUGE slices of cake lol it was 3 really thick layers! everyone at the party was splitting the big slices, i thought it was pretty funny :D

  It was also little Michaels birthday today!!! he turned 3! my family and i got him a little motorcyle he can ride on (the one where he pushes with his feet to go forward) and oh my goodness he looved it! it took it upstairs to bed with him haha hes seriously one crazy kid :)  hes getting so big i remember watching him when he just turned 1! its really bittersweet for me, hes doing so good though, hes a little chatter box now, of course he still has his Michael babble that no one but him can understand but thats just when hes really excited and just starts rambling. other than that we can pretty much understand what hes trying to tell us, he always wants to come to Bri Bri's house along with his older brother Taylor and i love it, he tells me he loves me now and just lights up when he gets to come over. it was really sweet cause his brother Taylor randomly picked out Roses at the store and wanted to give them to me!!! i thought it was the sweetest thing ever!!!!!

   Besides family and watching kiddos, i have started to take care of myself more as well, my grandmother and i have started a program to help us lose weight, and so far its really working, i am eating a lot better and i have been working out almost daily. so far i have lost 15lbs and went down a pant size! i feel a lot better and love getting to take some aggression and stress out on the punching bag my dad has every day, it feels great!

  okay so enough text, heres some pictures! :D

Vinny the little cheeser :) 

Zoey and Vinny chewing on some yummy plastic guns lol ;)

me and Vinny

Anthony's Shark Cake!! 

 Closer view of the Shark

Well now the shark is dead lol

 This is Nathan's Lego cake, the skittles spell out Nate if you cant quite make out what it says lol

Nathan posing with his cake

 Probably one of my favorite pictures of the year all the BOYS being so silly :)
Little Michael, Noah, Mikey, Nathan and Taylor

My Beautiful roses michael and taylor gave me :)

Picture i took and edited of my roses

and another :)

This picture was at -10lbs

One i like of me

this is at -15lbs


Good one? 

Losing pounds, Gaining confidence


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